Titus 3:8  “This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.”

Do you like new things?  Some people love the “new car smell,” and no amount of air freshener can duplicate it!  Some people love new pets-like my daughter’s newly born kittens.  Do you know what happens to cute little kittens?  They become cats!  And dogs are not any different!  My nearly free chocolate lab dog has cost me an arm and a leg since we got her.  New things are exciting but demand maintenance, regardless of whether you are talking about cars, cats, or relationships.

Often it is easy to feel revived and reenergized after a week of revival meetings, but the real work begins the moment the campaign concludes!  The good things the Lord did during the meetings willrequire maintenance; change will not happen by default.  A godly decision made at camp or in a revival service is a good start, but the work has only begun.  We live in a wicked world and in sinful flesh that both work against what’s right.  Maintenance is required for any good decision you make.

Titus 3:8 reminds us that maintenance is a both required and constant.  Paul said, “I will that thouaffirm constantly. . . .” That means every day!  Start by getting your answers from the Bible, and then, with the Lord’s help, get to work on maintaining good works!

I thank God for the good decisions that are made every summer here on the Ranch.  The truth is, the work begins when young people and adults leave the campground.  Good decisions demand maintenance.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some maintenance to attend to!

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