Psalm 12:6-7  “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

Talk is cheap.  What makes talk cheap is that it is changing.  If I tell you one thing today yet do something entirely different tomorrow, that makes what I said mighty worthless!  In our world today, it is easy to feel just like David in Psalm 12:1-“the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.” Sometimes after hearing all the chatter on the radio, television, and online, I wonder what happened to all the people who make sense and speak truthfully!

During election time, I received several mailers from various candidates.  It was the most amazing thing.  Every single candidate was a great person and the best candidate for the job!  The psalmist David must have felt similar about the talk he was hearing.  Vanity, flattering lips, and double heart(verse 2) are not commendable descriptions!

In contrast to the empty double-talk of people, “the words of the LORD are pure words.” His words are always pure, always right, always perfect. That is why His Word (the Bible) is so precious and so vital to our lives.  This morning, you can read the very words of God and know that they are from God Himself!

Don’t you appreciate a man who keeps his word?  In the midst of the noise of everyone’s opinions, those who keep their word and speak the truth rise to the top in my mind.  Do you know whose words are always right and true?  God’s words are, and He always keeps His word!

So today, as the kids’ song so aptly notes, “Be careful, little tongue, what you say.”  Don’t let your speech be cheap and empty today.  In addition, thank God that you can read the Bible with confidence, knowing that His words are pure and preserved.  God is reliable and trusthworthy, and what He has said will come to pass. You can know what God has said.  Don’t just thank Him for that truth; get to work reading His Word!

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