Psalm 18:46  “The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of salvation be exalted.”

“The LORD liveth.” When we read of people in the Bible, like Moses or the psalmist David, our lives may be affected, but only in an historical way.  That is even true of people in recent history.  In other words, there are people that you have never met that have affected your life in ways you do not realize.  Your life is affected because of the “domino effect”-one life touches another which touches another . . . and eventually touches you.

Most of the campers who came to the Bill Rice Ranch last summer have never heard of Jim Stoutenborough or Paul Levin.  Dr. Jim and Dr. Paul had a profound impact on the Bill Rice Ranch, and their ministry here in the summers affected young people and adults for decades.  You may not know these men who are now in Heaven, but I can assure you that your life has been affected by them!

I am sure you could tell of people who have had an impact on your life by the “domino effect.” However, the impact of Dr. Jim, Paul Levin, or people in your own life is far different than God’s working! “The LORD liveth”!  Moses, David, Jim Stoutenborough, and Paul Levin all lived at one time, and their impact can still be felt by extension.  But God is alive and His dealings in our lives are direct!  He lives, and He is my Rock and my salvation!

Since “the LORD liveth,” let me ask you a question.  Is God as real, powerful, and alive in your life as He was in David’s life? “Brother Wil,” you may say, “you don’t know my situation!”  And you are correct; but I do know that God lives and He is able.  Did you know that David had real problems and real enemies?  Psalm 18 is full of trouble and turmoil!  David’s solution was to give his problems and enemies over to God.  He said in verse 47, “It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.” Is the fact that “the LORD liveth” making a direct difference in your life today?

I thank God for every person who has had an impact on my life and on the lives of those who come to the Bill Rice Ranch.  As wonderful as their influence is, nothing can replace the dealing of God directly in my life!  He lives and is able to work directly in our lives.  The question is, are you allowing Him to work?

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