Numbers 7:9  “But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.”

Numbers 7 begins with a distribution of an offering to the tribe of Levites so that they could “do the service of the tabernacle.” Moses was responsible for distributing the oxen and the wagons.  The sons of Gershon received two wagons and four oxen, and the sons of Merari received four wagons and eight oxen.  In essence, they received a “company vehicle” to help them in their work for the Lord. Who received what and what they received was determined, as the Bible records, “according to their service.”

Can’t you imagine the reception line?  The first group stepped up to Moses, and a couple of wagons and teams of oxen were brought out.  They were probably excited about a “four ox-powered” set of wheels!  The next group in line received even more goodies.  What they received was determined by their service and was to be used in that service.  Perhaps the sons of Kohath were thinking, “If Moses gave them that, I wonder what we are getting!”  The Bible tells us that “unto the sons of Kohath he gave none . . . the service . . . belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.”

We can learn from this passage that what you receive is determined by what you are to give. It is so easy to think, “Oh, I wish I had more!” or “Boy, I have too much!”  Remember that what you are given in life is determined by what you are to give.  It is all about your giving, not about your “getting.” Too often we are wrapped up in the cars we drive or the resources someone else has (the “oxen” we’ve been given) that we forget the reason it has all been given by God: to do His work!

Each group in Numbers 7 received something different.  The point is not what one group received that the other ones did not; they were all different.  Don’t get so wrapped up in what your neighbor has that you lose sight of the reason for having anything-to serve God.  The sons of Kohath had no oxen; but then again, they didn’t have to clean out any oxen stalls!  If God has given you a task to do, He will enable you and provide what you need.   Whether God gives you oxen and ox carts or not, always keep in mind this truth: you have been given everything you need to do what God has assigned you to do!

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