Numbers 13:30  “And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.”

Do you remember the kids’ song about the twelve spies that said, “Ten were bad and two were good”? Numbers 13 records those spies’ reports of the Promised Land.  What do you think they saw?  Did the two “good” spies see something different than the ten “bad” spies?  Both groups saw a fruitful land that flowed “with milk and honey” and was filled with grapes, pomegranates, and figs; but they also saw the giants, strong fighters, and walled cities.  According to each of their reports, they saw the same things, but they did not see the same things!

Their differing reports proved that what you know determines what you see. All twelve spies saw the giants, but only Caleb (and Joshua) said, “We are well able to overcome it.” What did Caleb and Joshua know that helped them see what they saw?  What experience did they have?  Well, they had experienced God’s hand in parting the Red Sea and defeating the mighty army of Egypt.  Plus, the land they were spying was called the Promised Land-promised by God!  That is what Caleb and Joshua knew, and it affected what they saw!

The facts about the Promised Land were not disputed.  While all the spies had the facts, only two had faith. In your life today, what promise are you standing on?  What you see today will be determined by what you know.  If you have the confidence in knowing that you are doing what God wants you to do, that will affect what you see today.  Do you see only the bad-the giants, strong armies, and walled cities?  Or do you see those same things in light of the promises of God?  You cannot wish away your circumstances, but you can live your life based on God’s promises and power.

God has not promised us a life without “giants” or difficulty, but He has given us “great and precious promises” in His Word.  When you stand on what God has promised, all the negatives in your life will be put into proper perspective.  What do you see today?  Well, that will depend on what you know!

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