Numbers 14:42  “Go not up, for the LORD is not among you; that ye be not smitten before your enemies.”

God promised a land to the children of Israel, and He commanded them to go up and possess the land that flowed with “milk and honey.” In spite of God’s promise, Israel complained and did not possess the land because of the evil report by ten spies. By the end of Numbers chapter 14, the children of Israel have had a change of heart and said, “Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place . . . for we have sinned.” Sounds like a good deal, right?


Because their statement appears good on the surface, Moses’ answer seems startling.  He said, “Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of the LORD? but it shall not prosper.  Go ye not up, for the LORD is not among you. . . .” What would have been obedience when God told them to go up was now a transgression because God had removed His presence from that mission!


I suppose there are many lessons we can learn from this story about the children of Israel, but several lessons on success come to mind.  First, obedience is both a matter of what you do and whenyou do it. Delayed obedience is not obedience.  When you choose to obey is just as vital to God’s blessing as the action itself.


Secondly, two wrongs do not make a right. The children of Israel saw the error of their way (after griping and complaining) and had a change of heart about going up to possess the land.  Because they were late in their obedience, God said no to their plans; yet they persisted.  Doing something that is wrong does not ever make something right.  What they wanted to do would have been right if they had done it when God told them.  Now it was wrong!


Thirdly, success depends on who is with you, not on who is against you. Success does not come to you because the enemy is smaller, nor does failure come because the enemy is greater. Success depends on who is with you.  The reason the children of Israel should not have gone up was that God was not with them (verse 42).  If the size of the enemy was the standard, they would have been defeated at Jericho and would have won at Ai.  The difference between victory and defeat was Who was or was not with them!


Are you interested in being successful today?  Sure you are!  Learn these lessons from Numbers 14 and live in confidence.  Be aware of areas today that may delay your obedience.  Delayed obedience is not obedience.


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