Deuteronomy 28:1  “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:”

Have you ever wished that you could wake up each morning and choose from a menu the type of day you would have?  “I’ll have the ‘good day’ with an extra side of health and wealth . . . and super-size it!”  Unfortunately, that is just a far-fetched dream!  The kind of day you will have is not your choice.  I’ve repeated the old saying, “If wishes were diamonds, beggars would be kings.”


Though you cannot choose your circumstances today, you can choose to walk with or without God.  Whatever the specifics of without God are, you are still obeying someone or something.  And there are consequences for the choice you make every day.  The question you answer daily is, will I obey the God Who made me?


Deuteronomy 28 is an interesting passage of Scripture.  The first fourteen verses are filled with blessings and “good things.”  The next fifty verses are full of judgment and consequences for disobedience.  The weight of the whole chapter hinges on the tiny two-letter word if in verse 15!  One of the consequences for not obeying God was being turned to “gods [of] wood and stone” (verse 36).  Of all the consequences, serving a god made from wood or stone is the worst!  How could your day have any significance if you are following that kind of god?


The menu you have to choose from today is not “good day” versus “bad day”; the menu is obeying God or something/someone else.  Any other god you might serve today is probably not made of wood or stone, but the choice before you today is the same choice that was “on the menu” in Deuteronomy 28.  Will you choose God or something else?  Will you choose God or yourself?  The next time you are glancing at a menu, remember that you can’t choose your day, but you can choose who you obey.


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