Joshua 9:14  “And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the LORD.”

You can expect problems in life, but there are a couple of things that you cannot expectabout problems.  Isn’t it encouraging this morning to be reminded that you can expect problems?  You probably don’t need me to tell you that!  The story of Gibeon’s league with Joshua illustrates these truths to us.


First, don’t expect your problems to come one at a time. Joshua’s enemies“gathered themselves together . . . with one accord.” (verse 2)  Joshua didn’t have the luxury of facing each enemy on his own.  They came at the same time, and they were united against one man and nation!  Wouldn’t it be great if your problems in life took a number, and you could call each one individually when you were ready to deal with it? Problems don’t come one at a time.  Like the old saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.”


Secondly, don’t expect your problems to play fair. The Bible says that the inhabitants of Gibeon “did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors. . . .” These next-door neighbors fooled Joshua into thinking they had traveled a great distance.  They were seeking a treaty with Israel, but they were being deceptive and were not playing fair.  In life, your problems will not play fair either.  If life isn’t fair, certainly problems and difficulties will not be fair.


What does this all mean for you?  Realize that you need God desperately! The crux of the story is found in verse 14: “And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the LORD.” Joshua’s real problem was that he didn’t ask God!  Most likely, the big and obvious problems you face are not the ones that will bring you down; it will be the small, subtle, seemingly insignificant problems!  You need God to give you strength against the big threats and wisdom to deal with the subtle threats.


Whether your problems are large or small, you need God today.  Your problems probably will not come individually and quietly, and they will not play fair.  When you face problems in life, recognize your need for God to guide you.  And by all means, ask Him for help with the problems!


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