Judges 2:2  “And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?”

As kids, my sisters and I had crimes that came with mandatory sentences!  They were called “spanking matters.”  If you violated one of the “spanking matters,” there was no doubt about what was going to happen.  You could plead innocence, insanity, or blame your sisters (all of which I tried); but the sentence was unavoidable.  Dad would always ask a series of very cruel questions which informed me of what was about to happen. The conversation went something like this:


“Wil, did you do it?”


“Yes, sir.”

“Did I ask you not to do it?”


“Yes, sir.”

“What did I say I would do if you did it?”


You know, there is no good answer to that last question!  My dad used that question to inform me, not himself.  The Lord used such a question in Judges 2 to inform His people.  He asked, “Why have ye done this?” There was no good answer because there was no good reason!


Oftentimes we excuse sin by reasoning, “I’m being overlooked,” “They did me wrong,” or “I deserve it.”  Do you think those excuses hold weight with a holy God?  If you honestly answer the question, “Why have I done this?”, you will often find that your answer holds no weight before God.  There is never a good answer to the question of why we sin!


Which is a better excuse, sinning because you weren’t thinking (“it just came naturally”) or sinning because you did think and chose to do it anyway?  Neither excuse is a good answer!  The question God asked Israel in Judges 2 is worth our pondering this morning.  “Why have ye done this?” The question “Why?” is best pondered before-not after-you make any decision today.


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