I Samuel 7:3 “And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.”

On a recent family trip, I stood in a Welcome Center trying to find information about area attractions which my family could do in Sedona, Arizona. A hostess inside recommended a chapel nearby called “Chapel of the Rock” which delivers a beautiful view of the valley below. The building is really not all that impressive, but the view is spectacular. I suspect this structure was built to, as they say, “get close to God.” Some people think that they can get closer to God if they are in the right building or location. Being close to God is not a matter of geography-it is a matter of the heart!

Israel thought that having the ark back in their possession would bring a closeness to God. But they were no closer to God than they were when “the glory [was] departed from Israel.” (6:22) What they needed was exactly what Samuel prescribed in verse 3: “…return unto the LORD with all your hearts…put away…prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only.” Nearness to God is a matter of the heart! Your proximity to some sort of spiritual place can never replace the proximity of your heart to God!

Places are important. I thank God for the Bill Rice Ranch, and I think it is a special place. I know a preacher who can point out specific spots on the Ranch where he made great spiritual decisions. There is nothing wrong with looking fondly to a specific place, camp, or school; but ever be on guard against making a god out of a place. No place can replace your heart!

God wants your heart-completely and exclusively. Samuel told the Israelites to return to the Lord “with all [their] hearts…and serve him only.” All and only are important words! Following God completely requires following God exclusively. That means He gets 100% in each area of your life, and 100% of the areas.

How should you serve God today? All and only! I Samuel reminds us of the important truth that closeness to God is not a matter of geography; it is a matter of the heart. Serve God completely and exclusively, and you’ll find a closeness to God beyond compare!

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