I Samuel 9:3 “And the asses of Kish Saul’s father were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now one of the servants with thee, and arise, go seek the asses.”

It is amazing how much time we spend chasing things down. Whether we are chasing down kids at home, pets in our neighbor’s yard, a gallon of milk at the store, deadlines at work, or problems in our lives, time can easily fly past at warp speed! If you are not careful, you can live under the impression that all life is about is chasing these things.

The entire ninth chapter of I Samuel appears to be about Saul chasing donkeys. We can see in this story of Saul chasing his father’s donkeys that God may be leading when you think you are chasing. Sometimes it feels like all we do is chase down “donkeys”-donkeys are not worth much, are a pain in the neck, and provide no hope for the future. Do the things on your calendar today resemble donkeys?!

Many times, when all you see is the donkey you are chasing, there is a God leading you behind the scenes. You are not chasing; God is leading you. It is wonderfully comforting when you can tie what you are chasing to God’s leading. So when you cannot see where God is leading, you can trust God. Don’t despise the chasing you are doing, and don’t let chasing define your life. There is a God leading you!

I Samuel 9 is not just about chasing donkeys; it is really about the crowning of a king (verses 15-27). Saul would not have been where God wanted him for his coronation as king if he had not been chasing his father’s donkeys! Maybe your day is completely consumed with mundane tasks-most of our lives are. Don’t miss what God is doing in your life because you are focused on the donkeys!

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