I Samuel 14:6 “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.”

Most big things-things worth doing-cannot be done at one time or by one person. This is often true, but there are exceptions to this truth. Instead of allowing it to be an excuse for discouragement and inaction, the exceptions should be motivation for taking action even when you find yourself alone. In I Samuel 14, Saul was basically sitting on his hands. He was sitting under a pomegranate tree in Gibeah, waiting for something to happen. After Saul and his army had provoked the Philistines, all the brave men of his army headed for the hills and the holes!

Jonathan, Saul’s son, was a brave man, a man of action, faith, and selflessness. His story is an example of someone who just does what he can. Sometimes we think that if we can’t do everything, then we shouldn’t do anything. That’s not the case! You cannot do everything, but you can do something. You can’t do everything, but God can! If you will do what you can do, God will complete what is beyond your grasp.

Jonathan and his armor bearer took action, and God enabled them to defeat the Philistines while Saul and others sat on the sidelines. How did God do it? First, God gave Jonathan and his armor bearer grace and strength ten times their number when they took action. Secondly, God sent an earthquake (verse 15). When Jonathan did what he could, God did what only He could do. Thirdly, God used the Israelites who were among the Philistines to turn against the Philistines and fight. The Philistines were getting hit from within, without, and all around!

The end of the story is found in verse 23: “So the LORD saved Israel that day: and the battle passed over unto Bethaven.” God saved Israel when a man (Jonathan) took action, a deed which eventually led others to join in the fight. Jonathan had the courage to follow God and lead others. Today, don’t be discouraged and sit idly by when there is action to take. Follow Jonathan’s example and do what you can, when you can. As the famous footwear maker says, “Just do it!”

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