II Samuel 2:1 “And it came to pass after this, that David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron.””

Who is the strongest person you know? Some people are strong emotionally. They are practically “bomb-proof” when it comes to emotional events. Some people are strong physically. You can’t miss their muscles and brute strength! Some people are strong intellectually. Go ahead and try to stump them if you wish, but you will quickly decide that they are leaps and bounds above you intellectually.

In life, there are two types of strength: the strength of power and the strength of knowing how to control power. There is nothing wrong with having the strength of power, whether that is found in a national army or in the determination and confidence to do what God made you to do. We can all use a little bit of determination and confidence in doing right today! In fact, most of the help you ask God for is “strength of power.” There is nothing wrong with asking for that!

However, if the only strength you have is the strength of power, you are in trouble. For example, the most dangerous type of horse is a three-year-old. He is just big enough to hurt you and young enough to be ignorant. A horse with power is good; a horse with power under control is usable. Power that is not constructive is destructive!

We need the strength of knowing how to control the force we have. When David faced trouble and confusion at the beginning of his reign, he “inquired of the LORD.” Knowing how to use the power you have is mightily important! Each person has some power, regardless of how you feel about it. Whatever power you have, you’ll have more if you know how to use what you have!

You may pray for the right words to say in a given situation. Knowing how to use those words makes all the difference. The right words at the wrong time or in the wrong way can be damaging. David knew the importance of power coupled with the knowledge of how to use it. Strength of power is not bad; knowing how to use that power can make all the difference!

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