II Samuel 15:37  “So Hushai David’s friend came into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.”

Who is your best friend?  Your best friend is probably the one who is there at your worst times.  Such was the case in II Samuel 15 as David fled for his life.  Absalom, his son, was a rebel and had overthrown David’s kingdom.  The Bible mentions “Hushai David’s friend.” Never was that title more important than this time in David’s life!


What defines a friend depends on where you are at in life. Until now, King David had many “friends.”  Several things make many friends for you: palaces, possessions, power, popularity, and politics.  When David went from being a shepherd to being the king of Israel, I imagine the “friends” came out of the woodwork!  Everyone wants to be a friend of the king.  The bandwagon of popularity was probably full after David killed Goliath.  The women of Israel even made songs about the might of David!


While palaces, possessions, power, popularity, and politics all make you friends, problems will reveal your true friends. You would not choose problems over popularity or power, unless you realize that when you have problems, you find out who your true friends are.  The “friends” deserted David when Absalom overtook the throne.  The bandwagon was deserted.  No one was singing in the streets while David fled for his life.  True friends were worth more than anything David had!


The same principle is true in your life.  While you may seemingly have “friends” when life is going well and your popularity and power are at their peak, problems will reveal the true friends who are left standing.  Don’t despair about problems-one thing they will do is reveal who is a true friend!  Even when it seems like no one is a true friend,you have a “friend that sticketh closer than a brother” in the Lord Jesus!

Finally, be a friend when it is needed most. Hushai was a friend to David.  Who are your true friends?  Who needs you to be a true friend?




Camp Quotes…

(regarding Ephesians 6:5-8…)

“Look to your boss for your assignments; look to the Lord for your reward.”


-Evangelist Troy Carlson


Prayer Requests:


1. Camp orientation and training for summer staff this week


2. Safety and health for staff


3. A special word from Brother Rice about summer staff needs…


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