II Kings 19:25  “Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it, and of ancient times that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps.”

When I was a kid, there was an open field across from my house on the Ranch.  In that field was a mud pile of red clay, and that was the site of many dirt clod wars!  It was better described as a rock war because here in Tennessee, the clay is about as hard as a rock!  I distinctly remember ducking behind the huge pile of dirt, which incidentally was our protection from enemy fire and our artillery supply.  If you ever peeked out from behind the dirt pile, there was a good chance of getting knocked in the head with a flying dirt clod!


Sometimes life can feel like the game we used to play in that field.  Life seems to be hurling dirt clods at you, and when you stick your head up, you get blindsided.  When life feels that way, II Kings 19 reminds us that God is still in control. Assyria was a powerful nation, and the king of Assyria was on top of the “dirt pile,” so to speak.  God reminds Assyria in verse 25 that He was the One who did everything.  It wasn’t their might, their intelligence, or their armies of chariots; it was God who did it in His providence!


When life is throwing dirt clods at you, God can take what life throws at you and form it for your good and His glory. He says, “…I have done it . . . I have formed it . . . I brought it to pass. . . .” The same clay that is only good for dirt clod wars can be formed into something useful when it is put in the potter’s hands.


I don’t know what “dirt clods” life is hurling at you today, but we serve a God who can take whatever it is and make something good of it.  God is in control.  See God’s providence in your life today.  Is some “dirt clod,” either real or imagined, worrying you today?  Take it to God, the Master Potter, in prayer.  He can take it and make something good.


“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)



Camp Quotes…

“One of the greatest ways to improve your relationship with God is to improve your relationship with your parents.”

-Evangelist Troy Carlson

Prayer Requests:

1. Safety for staff and campers

2. Families to be helped this week


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