Psalm 62:5-6  “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my defence; I shall not be moved.”

When SEAL Team Six stormed the bin Laden compound in Pakistan this past spring, they had both a plan and a contingency plan.  They had a backup plan for almost every conceivable problem they might encounter.  In fact, one of the strategists confirmed that the SEALs routinely practice exactly that: contingency plans.  They plan on having problems, and they plan how they will adapt and overcome.


While contingency plans are fine for the Navy SEALs, they are not fine for you!  If you enter today with a backup plan for when God does not provide, you are already defeated.  The truth is, the best place to be is where God is your only option.


It can be an unsettling time when God is your only option, but according to Psalm 62, that is the perfect situation.  C.H. Spurgeon called Psalm 62 the “Only Psalm.”  You can’t escape the word only and the truth that God is the only God!  Is God your only option?


A change of plans, a lack of power, or a lack of friends may conspire against you, but one good thing is that God becomes your only option.  You cannot always predict what life will throw at you, but you can always expect what God will do when it does! You can know that He is your rock and your defense, and you can say with the psalmist, “I shall not be moved.”


Today, may God be your only option for what you will face.  No “plan B.”  No “plan C.” Only God.  You may not have all the answers, but when God is your only option, you have the One who does have all of the answers!  He really is all you need!




Camp Quotes…

“God’s people ought be about the business of winning people to God’s way.”

-Dr. Bill Rice III


Prayer Requests:

1. Safety for campers and staff this week

2. Salvation of unsaved teen, junior, and deaf campers


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