I Chronicles 28:19  “All this, said David, the LORD made me understand in writing by his hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern.”

I’m not a big fan of following the directions that come with bicycles, phones, or other presents at Christmas, but I’ve found that following the directions is an imperative part of doing things correctly.  David had a magnificent temple that he wanted to build, and God gave him the pattern for it.


Patterns are important.  Directions for work, school, and even a phone are important, even though the directions themselves may not be glamorous or exciting.  Your work will be no better than the pattern you follow. Taking the time to read the instructions is paramount.


God has given us a pattern for life in His Word. He knows you, and He can see the “big picture.”  You cannot afford to miss reading God’s instructions for life-the Bible.  Nothing good you will do today can replace the need you have to follow God’s pattern.  And you’ll never know His pattern until you read It!  Even taking a bite-sized portion each day and thinking on that passage throughout the day will make a huge difference.  I’ve taken a 3×5 card and written a verse on it to help remind me of God’s truth throughout the day.


God’s pattern provided a reason for all the gifts David gave to Solomon to build the temple.  Why did David give gold and silver (verses 14-18)?  Because God’s pattern called for them!  God knows you, and He knows best. That is why we ought be concerned with reading His pattern in the Bible for our lives.  Don’t live today without knowing what the Maker calls for in the pattern!  Your work will be no better than the pattern you follow!





Camp Quotes…

“Do what God wants you to do today, and you’ll be ready to do what you should do tomorrow.”

-Dr. Bill Rice III


Prayer Requests:

1. Safety for campers and staff

2. Families to be helped this week

3. Help and understanding for Sign Language School students


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