I Chronicles 29:9 “Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD: and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.” 

I don’t know anyone who enjoys his job more than a volunteer fireman. He loves the lights on his dashboard, he loves fire, and he loves action! I suspect the reason he loves it is because he volunteered for it.


Tennessee is known as the “Volunteer State,” mainly because throughout history, Tennesseans have loved a good fight and were eager to join in! In the book of I Chronicles, why do you think the people of Israel contributed to the building of Solomon’s Temple? I think their motivation is best described in one word: willing.You find the word willing or willingly all throughout the last chapter of I Chronicles. They volunteered to give it!


Israel gave toward the building of the temple because they were willing, but what informed their willingness? Verse 14 answers that question: “But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee.” You will never give God anything that He has not given you first. When you realize that truth, it changes the complexion of everything you do!


So what does “all things” include? First, it means your possessions. What you own, your time, your abilities, and your money. “All things” also means your positions. Every position you have ever held or will hold is not your own. What you have is a stewardship given to you by God. It all belongs to Him; you are simply the steward.


Years ago, my grandfather, Bill Rice, would stand up in a meeting for the adults at camp and challenge them about giving their life for other people that week. He would say, “If ever you have lived for somebody else, make it this week.” My dad would hear that speech every week for the whole summer and think to himself, “It is easy for these people to live for someone else! They only have to do it for one week; I’m here all summer long!” Then one day, Dad says, he realized that is how we as Christians should be living every day. Everything you have, including your time, abilities, money, and position, was given to you by God. May it be said of us, “With a perfect heart, they offered willingly to the LORD. . . .”




Camp Quotes…

“Training kids doesn’t need to be dramatic; it needs to be real and consistent.”

-Pastor Randy Miller


Prayer Requests:

– Safety and provision for summer staff traveling home today


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