Job 16:4 “I also could speak as ye do: if your soul were in my soul’s stead, I could heap up words against you, and shake mine head at you.”

What would you do about the current debt crisis if you were in the President’s shoes? What changes would you make in your church if you were in your pastor’s shoes? If you are the pastor, what would you change if you were in a teenager’s shoes? Interesting questions, aren’t they?


With enough shoes and enough time, I think I could change the world! Well, at least it is easy to think that! Job thought he could do a much better job of comforting his friends than his friends were doing at comforting him! “Miserable comforters are ye all. . . . But I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the moving of my lips should asswage your grief.” They didn’t understand Job’s problems, but Job thought he could change everything if he were in their shoes!


The truth is, if you were somebody else, you would no longer be you. (Profound, isn’t it?) If you were someone different, you probably wouldn’t care nearly as much about you! The reason you care about you is . . . you are you! It is too easy to say, “If I were in that person’s shoes, I would do thisand this better.” Forget about all the shoes you could fill; you probably have enough trouble filling the two shoes you are standing in!


With all that being said, I am astounded that a holy God would care about us and condescend to take on human flesh! God Almighty is God Incarnate. You may only dream about what you would do in someone else’s shoes, but God Almighty has been in your shoes! He died in your stead-in your place-so that you might be reconciled to the Father. That is staggering to think about!


With the God of the Universe filling your shoes today, you have the power you need to serve Him and do right. You may not be able to fill someone else’s shoes, but God wants to fill your shoes! Do you want to change the world today? Do you wish you could fill someone else’s shoes? Let God Almighty fill you!




Prayer Requests:

1. Service tonight in Harned, KY
2. Recruiting of college summer staff today

3. West Branch Men on the Move Conference today and tomorrow

4. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Fort Collins, COCastle Rock, CO;Fairmont, WV; and Thomasville, GA


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