Psalm 119:159 “Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness.”

Psalm 119 is all about God’s Word! You find references like statutes, commandments, precepts, law, and judgments throughout the entire psalm and in almost every verse. The Word of God is a number of things to us and a number of things for us. This psalm reminds us that God’s Word teaches us, guides us, instructs us, and protects us. It is vitally important to our daily lives!

One word which stood out to me during a recent reading of Psalm 119 is the word quicken. “Quicken” means to make alive; to revive. Verse 25 says, “My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word.” Verse 37 says, “Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in the way.” Verse 50 declares, “This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word that quickened me.” Those are just three references; there are many more like them throughout the psalm!

The bottom line is, if you are not in the Word of God, you are not going to have life. There is no life outside of God’s Word. There are many ways to get God’s Word each day in a meaningful way. I’ve recently found the Bible recorded on audio to be a help to me. I have enjoyed hearing the Bible; other times, I can see Bible truths by reading that do not stick in my mind by listening. Having the Bible on audio has helped me “get” what the Bible is saying, even when I have to rewind it several times! The point is this: find a time and way to get God’s Word in your life.

The Bible is a supernatural book, not a magical book. It will not change your life by happenstance or default. The Bible makes sense, and when you know what God has said and obey it, your life will have life. God’s Word is vital to your daily existence as a child of God, so much so that God devoted a whole chapter in the Bible about the Bible!

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