II Thessalonians 1:4 “So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:”

Do you have a plan for better health this year? You may be planning to run, to lift weights, or to exercise a set amount of time each day, but improving your physical health requires resistance. It doesn’t feel good to your body, but straining your muscles in a good way helps to strengthen them. The same is true of Christian virtues that should grow in your life. The good things that God wants to build in your life will come with some resistance and straining!

Paul thanked God for the Christians at Thessalonica because their “faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth.” How did this all come about? Through enduring persecutions and tribulations with patience and faith! Their faith was growing because their faith was being resisted.

Do you thank God for an easy lot in life, or do you thank Him for the faith, patience, and love that grow when it is not easy? Like me, you probably enjoy calmness, easiness, and peace, but none of those are virtues. Virtues like faith, patience, and love grow in your life during the absence of peace and quiet, rest, and easy times.

No matter what your exercise regime, there will be some resistance. That is the way your muscles are strengthened and your body is benefited. In the same way, virtues like patience, love, and faith will grow when everything is not smooth sailing. Be thankful when God “exercises” you in order to grow you!

Prayer Requests:

– Praise: 82 people trusted Christ last week in New York City!

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