Isaiah 26:12 “LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us.”

Isaiah 26 contains some monumental verses about God’s peace. I love Isaiah 26, verses 3 and 12. The Bible says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. . . . LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us.” We have the promise of God’s peace as well as God’s power.

Someone defined peace as “the possession of adequate resources.” That is not an all-inclusive definition, but I think it is a good one. On the other hand, stress can be described as responsibility without ability. Consider what stresses you right now: money, family, work, appointments, deadlines. Any and all of those things can weigh heavily on your mind because you hold a responsibility but may not have the needed ability. You have a lack in some area, and your lack creates stress in your heart and mind.

At other times, instead of stress you can have pride. Pride can come when you have responsibility with ability. In other words, pride is surviving on the capital of your own abilities. I don’t want to be stressed; likewise, I don’t want to live in pride. What is the answer? Peace!

Peace is synonymous with God’s power. When you have His power, you have His peace. His peace is “perfect peace,” and God puts His peace in your heart when He is in your mind. It is His power at work in your life that can “ordain peace.” So, this morning, you really have three choices. Choice one is living in stress because of your inability. Choice two is living in pride because of your own ability. Choice three, which is the right choice, is living in the peace and power of God. Will you have peace and power today?

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