John 21:19 “This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.”

In the aftermath of failure at the Lord’s crucifixion, Peter decided to go back to something that he knew and performed well. The Lord had said, “I will make you fishers of men,” but Peter’s life was in many ways a colossal failure. He proclaimed to Christ, “I will not deny thee,” but he denied the Lord three times, cursed, and followed him from afar off. Naturally, Peter’s inclination was to return to what he was skilled at doing: fishing.

Imagine the utter disappointment when they worked all night but didn’t catch a thing! In loving compassion, the Lord intervenes and “re-commissions” Peter. I am so thankful that we serve a God of second chances and fresh starts! In His mercy, He allows us to “press the reset button” on past failures and disappointments.

Dedication in the Christian life is an everyday decision. Like Peter, we can be preoccupied with the past, distracted by unimportant things, and defeated by failure. However, every day is a fresh start to a wise person. Every day you must decide if you will follow Christ fully or depend upon your own abilities and resources. Even the things you are a “pro” at are worthless if they are not what God has planned for you to do.

Consider what failures are holding you back and what successes are preventing you from following Christ. Take stock of your life and how you are doing with God’s commands. Note what you lack and then set out to do what you should do by God’s grace. The Lord’s call to Peter is the same call to us: “Follow me.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Sign Language School this week in Dixons Mills, AL
2. Services and classes this week in the Philippines
3. West Branch on the Move Family Conference in Phoenix, AZ

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