Jeremiah 9:23-24 “Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD. . . .”

A clear view of God will give you a good perspective of yourself. While you can compare yourself with and exalt yourself above those around you, you cannot frame yourself in a better light when you accurately see God in His place!

I remember as a youngster getting a “behind the scenes” tour of the White House through a pastor’s friend who protected the Vice President. We went through a back gate, in a back door, and through some of the notable rooms in the White House. I recall seeing the Presidential barber shop, cabinet meeting rooms, and the press room; but the room that sticks in my mind was the Oval Office! We were not able to go into the Oval Office, but I distinctly remember the western artwork and the Bronco Buster statue in President Reagan’s office. I thought it was cool that the President was a cowboy!

The White House is nice and all, but did you know that I have an office, too? In fact, my office is bigger than anyone else’s office that I know. I even have western artwork and a cheap imitation statue of Remington’s Bronco Buster, but does my office impress people like the Oval Office? Only in my dreams!

It seems silly to even compare the Oval Office to my office at the Ranch because of perspective. I might be able to compare my office to yours; but when you see the Oval Office, there is no comparison. When it comes to your estimation of self, the greatest ability you have is knowing God. It is not what you know; it is not what you do or how you do it; it is how well you know God.

God is more concerned with Christ-like character than He is about a man-produced talent of some sort. Whatever ability you possess was given to you by God, and the highest goal of everything you do should be to know God better. With a clear view of God, you will have a proper perspective of self.

Prayer Requests:
– Service tonight in Harned, KY

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