Jeremiah 52:34 “And for his diet, there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life.”

David Davies was a life-long inmate in the British prison system. He was, in fact, a rather gentle man and ideal prisoner, coming to be known as the “Dartmoor Shepherd.” While serving a sentence for petty theft of a church alms box, he met the Home Secretary of Britain, Winston Churchill. Mr. Churchill worked to have Davies released since his offenses were minor and his behavior was model. The ironic truth is, Mr. Davies’ freedom lasted only one night! Once a free man, he resorted to petty crimes and was arrested again. David Davies lived out his remaining days in a prison cell in Britain.

That story may sound strange to you because you value freedom. However, Mr. Davies valued the stability of prison! This same story is repeated often in our society today. As hard as we try, we Christians tend to value stability and slavery over freedom and faith as well. The book of Jeremiah ends with the sad account of King Jehoiachin living out his days in slavery to the king of Babylon. Jehoiachin received a high-ranking job, clothing allowance, and warm meals every day! Sounds like a sweet deal, right? The only catch was, he was still a slave in the prison of the king of Babylon.

Jehoiachin was making a living, but he was not making a life. There is a huge difference! Making a life requires living by faith and trusting God to provide your needs, even when you cannot see the way. John Rice used to say that he lived a “hand to mouth” existence: God’s hand to his mouth. The alternative to freedom and faith is certainty that is guaranteed by slavery. Think about the times that the children of Israel wanted to go back to slavery in Egypt instead of living in God’s special daily provision!

Making a living and making a life are two different ideas. Living in freedom requires living by faith. Although you might sometimes face the unknown, uncertainty with freedom trumps certainty with slavery any day. Don’t spend your day making a living; make a life by faith in the God who can provide everything you need.

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Flagstaff, AZ and Chandlersville, IL
2. Georgia Regional Conference on Marriage and the Home tonight and tomorrow
3. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Smyrna, TN and Thomasville, GA

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