I Timothy 5:1-2 “Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.”

Have you ever wondered why cranky people at your church are so cranky? About what are they always unhappy? What about the children who are brats at your church? Do you know some selfish people at your church?

On the other hand, do you know people who just seem to brighten your day? Do you know families with well-behaved children? Do you know people who are generous at your church? What makes the difference? I Timothy 5 reminds us that the church and the home are inseparably connected. Your church will not be any stronger than your home!

I thank God for good churches, good institutions, good schools, and good camps, but the main responsibility for your home begins with you. I am thankful for the godly influence that people have on my kids, but raising my kids is not the responsibility of my pastor, my child’s teacher, or good camp counselors like we will be privileged to serve with this summer.

Paul tells Timothy to treat the older men in the church as “fathers,” the younger men as “brothers,” the older women as “mothers,” and the younger women as “sisters.” You can’t treat people right in your church if you don’t know how you are supposed to treat dads, moms, brothers, and sisters! If you get and give help at home, you will be a help at church.

The truth is, my kids will not do right by my pastor at church if they are not doing right by me at home. The same goes for you. The place to learn about treating others properly is in your house. How should you treat your pastor, a widow in your church, or young ladies in your church? Practice on your dad, mom, and sister!

Those people who learn well at home will live right at church. The best way to be faithful at your church and in your ministry is to faithfully lead and obey in your home. If you will do right at home, you can be a help to the cranky people, the bratty kids, and the selfish people at your church, too!

Prayer Requests:
– Services tonight in Paducah, KY, and Asheboro, NC

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