I Timothy 6:17 “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us all things to enjoy;”

How much worry would completely melt away if you received a large sum of cash this morning? What kinds of things that presently concern you would be fleeting memories? How would your outlook on life and on today change?

The truth is, God has given us many things to enjoy. The Bible tells us that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights. . . .” (James 1:17) It is wonderful to see every legitimate pleasure in life as coming from God. It puts a whole new complexion on life! You can find contentment from God, but it is even better to find contentment in God.

Finding satisfaction in good things that God gives is finding contentment from Him. Finding your worth and satisfaction in God Himself is even greater! I Timothy 6 reminds us that “them that are rich in this world” need to be warned against being highminded. Why would a rich man be highminded? Because he could find his confidence and self-worth in what he possesses. Instead of trusting in “uncertain riches,” he should trust “in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.”

Nothing better describes this world’s goods than “uncertain riches.” Having money is not sinful; loving money is “the root of all evil.” The word “uncertain” certainly describes the stock market, the housing market, and just about anything else you can do with money! Instead of trusting in good things that God gives, trust in God Himself.

Why is contentment in God better than contentment from God? Everything that God gives, and every pleasure that He allows, is temporary and uncertain. Nothing you can buy with paper money or a plastic card is everlasting. Contrast temporary things to the “living God.” God will never run dry, run out, or be uncertain. He is the living God!

No matter how rich you consider yourself, there is a danger in seeking contentment in money. The best pleasures in life are the ones that God Himself has designed, but you ought not to find your confidence and self-worth in good things. Instead, find your contentment in God.

Prayer Requests:
– Services tonight in Paducah, KY, and Asheboro, NC

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