II Timothy 3:17 “That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

We live in a unique time in human history. My grandpa farmed with a team of horses in Burdette township, South Dakota. His grandparents lived in a sod house (actually a “dugout”) on the banks of a creek in the middle of nowhere. In contrast, I am amazed when I think about what my kids have seen and experienced today: jet planes, computers, and other modern conveniences. That’s a huge gap between my grandparents and my children!

Recently, I have been wondering what life will be like when my kids are my age. I can tell you that is a sobering question! If you have a toddler today, you will not leave a toddler to this world; you will leave an adult. The Bible says, “And that from a child. . . .” in verse 15 and, “That the man of God. . . .” in verse 17. What comes between “a child” and “the man”? The Word of God! “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable. . . .” (verse 16)

The key to leaving men and women who are equipped to face the future is to train boys and girls in the present. If you will do what you should right now, they will be perfectly equipped (“throughly furnished”) for whatever lies ahead. God’s truth makes the difference! His Word was sufficient for Timothy in the New Testament, and it is sufficient for you and your family today.

Every summer we have junior-age boys and girls who ride horses here at the Ranch. How in the world does a ten-year-old junior boy who weighs seventy pounds control a horse who weighs more than nine hundred pounds? Simply put, you start training and leaving an impression on that horse when he is a foal (baby horse for you non-cowboys). You don’t wait until a horse is full-grown before putting a saddle on his back! You are just asking for trouble!

If you will prepare kids, whether your own or ones to whom you are privileged to minister, you will produce able adults later. Prepare them by example (verse 10), by explanation (verse 15), and by extension (ministry opportunities outside your own home). By God’s help, we can prepare the next generation to face whatever this world will look like in twenty years. We do that by God’s Word and by continuing in it.

“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.” (II Timothy 3:14)

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Boswell, PA; Petersburg, IN; and Englewood, OH
2. Deaf Rally this weekend in North Bergen, NJ

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