Lamentations 2:1 “How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger!”

Isn’t it amazing how much better you can feel when the sun is shining? The world seems like a different place when there is abundance of sunshine, but what exactly does the sun provide? Well, it provides warmth, light, and energy. The truth is, when the sun is shining, it helps me to shine! Yes, the sun actually helps or hurts my mood!

All of those things-warmth, light, energy, and a cheery mood-can be gone in an instant when something comes between you and the sun. The sun doesn’t stop providing warmth, light, energy, and joy, but you may not see or feel its effects when it is cloudy. Have you ever felt like there was a cloud between you and the warmth and joy of God? That is exactly where Israel found herself in Lamentations 2!

You can put up with any cloud as long as the cloud is not between you and God. You cannot afford to ever live that way! God’s presence provides light and fellowship. I John 1:5 says, “…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” If you are living out of fellowship with God, you are living under a cloud. There is no warmth, no light, and no joy under that cloud!

On the other hand, Psalm 80:3 reminds us that you do not need happy circumstances if you have the smile of God. “Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.” The best of circumstances mean absolutely nothing without the face of God shining on you. The warmth, power, and joy of God are just a choice away. Living in God’s light is a choice you can make, no matter what clouds may blow your way. Is today’s forecast for your fellowship with God sunny or mostly cloudy?

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Boswell, PA; Petersburg, IN; and Englewood, OH
2. Deaf Rally this weekend in North Bergen, NJ

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