Lamentations 3:22-23 “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

Somewhere in my barn behind my house is a box full of old college love letters from my wife, Sena. I have kept them for all these years because they are precious to me. Even though the letters are old and dusty, the love articulated twenty years ago in those letters is fresh every day! The letters are significant to me now because Sena’s love is alive right now.

The things that are most “alive” are things that are fresh. How fresh is your relationship with God? A fresh problem with a stale relationship with God is a recipe for disaster. Each day may present a fresh batch of problems, but if you face the day on stale mercy, you are missing out. It does not have to be that way; God’s mercies are as fresh as your morning!

Some of you could tell of God’s loving kindness and mercy to you in remarkable ways, but the stories are months, even years, old. Nothing beats mercy that is fresh! “They are new every morning.” Don’t let God’s previous goodness keep you from feasting on His fresh mercy.

What does the term “fresh” fish mean to you? Well, for a cowboy in Tennessee it probably means caught and trucked in from the coasts. “Fresh” has a whole new meaning to my friends in the Philippines who literally step out their back door and catch lunch! There is no comparison between eating fish in Tennessee and eating fish fresh from the Pacific in the Philippines.

The fish in the Philippines was fresher because it was closer to the source. How close are you to the Source of mercy? Don’t live today on stale mercy; it is fresh and waiting for you!

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Boswell, PA; Petersburg, IN; and Englewood, OH
2. Deaf Rally this weekend in North Bergen, NJ
3. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Clarksburg, WV; Camden, TN; and Kettering, OH

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