Ezekiel 1:1 “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.”

Have you ever gone to restaurant with a couple of friends? What usually happens? About three minutes after you sit down, everyone pulls out their phones! One person checks email, one person browses the news, one person updates their Facebook or Twitter status; and they only look up from their phones to check the game on the big screen!

We live in a world where technology often pulls us out of the present and into a time and place far away. You can be sitting two feet from another person but communicating with others halfway around the world. It seems no one is ever “living in the moment” anymore! There is something healthy and right about taking the time and energy to “live in the moment” instead of being glued to your cell phone or computer twenty-four hours a day.

Social etiquette aside, there is actually a danger in living too much in the moment. Sometimes all we see and hear is what is right in front of our face and from those right next to us. We tend to only think about the here and now and how it pertains to ourselves. In reality, you can perceive more about life when you are not so taken by the world around you. Don’t miss everything God would have you know about the world above you!

Don’t be so focused on today, the here and now, and yourself that never think about the future, what is important, and the broader picture. Ezekiel saw “visions of God” as the “word of the LORD came expressly . . . in the land of the Chaldeans.” In the midst of captivity and trouble, Ezekiel saw more than the present and more than what was around him. When he saw God’s vision to him, he “fell on [his] face, and [he] heard a voice of one that spake.”

When your senses are tuned to God’s revelation, the Bible, you can perceive more than you can merely by looking at what is in front of you. Take time to enjoy and “live in the moment” today, but don’t live your life focused solely on the immediate. Tune your heart to hear and obey God’s truth.

Prayer Requests:
– Ohio Regional Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (4.20-21)

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