Ezekiel 2:5 “And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.”

What is the one thing in life you fear more than anything else? Sometimes we can fear words as much as we fear physical calamity! What words do you fear the most? Maybe you fear disapproval from family, friends, or bosses. Maybe you fear bad news from a realtor, financial consultant, or a doctor. It is a terrible thing, in a world full of words, to fear words!

Words can give life, or they can drain the very life out of you. The choice really is up to you. You see, when I have the words of God, I need not fear the words of men. That is the lesson Ezekiel described in chapter 2. God commissioned him to take a difficult and hard message to a difficult and hard-hearted people. Ezekiel had God’s Spirit, just like every child of God has the Holy Spirit literally dwelling inside. The question is, does God the Holy Spirit have you?

Once Ezekiel had God’s Spirit, the Spirit spoke to him and through him. No matter what happened when Ezekiel spoke God’s words, one thing was for certain: they would know that they had heard from God. There was no need to fear the people’s words when Ezekiel was speaking God’s words!

Why can we trust God’s words? First of all, God’s words are always true. His words about me are always true. His words about life are always true. His words about my home are always true. They have always been true!

Second of all, God’s words are always powerful. Why? Because God is powerful! Haven’t we all met people with strong words but a weak life? God’s words are powerful because He is life.

Today, be more concerned with what God says than what men may say. When you have the words of God, you need not fear the words of men. Among all the words you will use and hear today, God’s words are the most important!

Prayer Requests:
1. Ohio Regional Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (4.20-21)
2. WB Ladies Spring Getaway this weekend (4.21)

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