Ezekiel 12:2 “Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.”

We live in a confusing time of too many voices and too much information. The bad part is that much of the information is not really true! Just because a man has an audience and an avenue to spread his message doesn’t make his message true. Isn’t it hard many times to decipher up from down, right from left, and wrong from right? To whom should you listen?

It seems that anyone can have a “voice” today, no matter how qualified he is or how accurate his information. While that may be true, you can rest assured knowing that God has given you everything you need in order to know what you need to know. If you are a child of God, He has given you His Holy Spirit and His Word to inform and enlighten you. If God wants you to know something, He will provide a way for you to know.

The people in Ezekiel’s day likewise had what they needed to know from God. God spoke in Ezekiel’s day through prophets, but false prophets also had a “voice” and used their platform to spread doubt and feed rebellion. God warned His people through Ezekiel, and His warning is helpful for us today.

First, we ought to hear no less than what God says. The children of Israel were “a rebellious house” that could not see and could not hear. Why was this the case? They were not mentally deficient; they were spiritual defiant. A person without a heart to understand never will understand. God is not looking for brilliant people; He is looking for obedient people.

Second, we ought to speak no more than what God reveals. Ezekiel faced false prophets who caused the people doubt God’s Word. In our day, I can’t help but think about all the ones who have set dates for the Lord’s return. Not only is “date setting” unbiblical, but it also increases the doubt of skeptics and weakens the faith of believers who listen. People who speak when God has not spoken have neither authority nor credibility.

In a world full of voices in print, on air, and online, we ought to hear no less than what God says and speak no more than what God reveals. If you and I will heed God’s warning in Ezekiel 12, we can know what God wants us to know, and we can help others know the same.

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in New Buffalo, MI and Louisville, KY
2. Day of Champions Youth Event this weekend (5.5.12)

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