C.A.M.P. Right There in Your Church

What is it about camp that is so spectacular? The declarative preaching of the Word of God which proclaims, “Thus saith the Lord…” is the primary value of camp. You may be thinking, “Wait a second. I hear preaching all the time. At camp or at a conference, it often seems to be even more special. What’s the difference?”

The difference is the atmosphere created at camp for the purpose of preaching. All Bill Rice Ranch camps start with this philosophy: C.A.M.P. is a Controlled Atmosphere for the Ministry of Preaching. At CAMP, everything revolves around preaching. We develop schedules, rules, fun times, and many other things that support the preaching of the Bible. If any part of the schedule or fun begins to erode the effectiveness of the preaching, then it gets changed. With all of this effort going into a week of camp, just for the purpose of hearing preaching, it is no wonder preaching has such a wonderful impact.

But this philosophy is not limited to a camp setting. Could anything you are doing at your church be eroding the effectiveness of preaching? What can you do in your ministry to better control the atmosphere for the purpose of preaching?

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