John 1:37 “And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.”

Word of Mouth

Think back to the last two books you’ve read and the last two major purchases you’ve made. Both probably trace back to people who influenced you to read and purchase a certain book or item. The truth is, you will win people to whatever or whomever you see as important.

Two of John’s disciples were with him one day when John saw the Lord Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” He directed their attention to the Lord and promptly lost two of his own disciples. John 1:37 says that the disciples heard John speak and followed the Lord. John literally caused himself to lose two disciples! Was this a loss or a gain?

If John saw himself as important, this would’ve been disastrous. Imagine how different that day would have been if John saw the Lord as a threat to his work! Instead, John’s priority was to be the forerunner for the Lamb of God. He didn’t lose two disciples; he accomplished the very thing that was most important!

People are moved by other people. You will be confident and buy into what the people you trust buy into. For good or bad, you will win people to whatever and whomever you see as important. Word of mouth still matters.

After John’s two disciples follow Jesus, you see the pattern of winning people by word of mouth continuing. Andrew, one of the two disciples, found his brother, Peter, and said, “We have found . . . the Christ.” The next day, Philip followed Jesus and found Nathanael and said, “We have found him . . . Jesus of Nazareth.” This all started because John directed two of his own disciples’ attention to the Lamb of God!

To what or to whom are you winning people? You will win people to what or whom you see as important. Are you winning people to yourself or to your own ambitions? Or are you like John, winning people to Jesus Christ regardless of the loss to you?

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