John 20:19 “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.”

The Person of Peace

What is the most peaceful place you have ever been? When you are in the dentist chair, to what place does your mind go? Do you see sandy beaches? Snow-capped mountains? A deer stand in the middle of the woods? (I actually had someone tell me this answer! To each his own, I suppose!)

The truth is, peace is not a place. Aren’t you glad that peace is not a place? You would be limited to schedule, availability, and finances to ever have or find peace. You might only find peace every once in a great while!

In John chapter 20, the Lord’s disciples needed peace. They retreated to a room shut off from the world because of fear. The risen Christ appeared before them and said, “Peace be unto you.” The Lord also showed the disciples His hands and side, scarred by the crucifixion. The Bible records that “then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.” Their fear turned to gladness, and their worry turned to peace, when they saw the Lord!

Peace is not defined by what is absent; it is defined by Who is present. Peace is the presence of Christ. We often associate peace with “quiet.” I like space, and I like quiet. But when life interrupts my quiet and invades my space, I can still have peace. If you see peace as the absence of problems or people, you will have a hard time finding peace. What you need is not the absence of problems; you need the presence of Christ!

It is not enjoyable or pious to have problems. No one enjoys problems, but you can have peace in the midst of a hostile world. Peace is found in the presence of a Person. Do you have His presence and peace today?

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