Acts 6:3 “Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.”

Are You Over-Qualified?

As a fifteen-year-old boy with an itch to drive, I was working in the dining hall at the Ranch when my boss gathered us workers together. He asked, “How many of you guys know how to drive a stick shift?” Immediately, my hand shot up along with four other guys. This was the moment we had been waiting for! Finally! My boss seemed pleased that he acquired so many eager volunteers. He said, “Thank you. You five guys, here are some brooms. Now go sweep out the stockroom.” I felt a little bit duped and highly over-qualified!

Sometimes we can feel the same way about serving Christ. The truth is, no one is ever over-qualified to serve the Lord, even in the humblest of ways. In Acts chapter 6, we read of a variety of people doing the work necessary to support the preaching of God’s Word. Not all of it was glamorous, but all of it was vital.

There is no unimportant part of a Bible-preaching ministry. It is your mission, not your job description, that gives value to your work. Whether you are given to “the ministry of the word” or “this business” of “serving tables”, the mission is the same. No one is over-qualified to serve Christ!

The “highest calling of God” is the one He gave you. You can’t do better than that! Are you serving in the place God has called you to serve? Whether it is preaching to hundreds of teens at the Ranch or sweeping a stockroom, no one is ever over-qualified to serve the Lord.

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