Acts 21:17 “And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.”

The Family of God

On Twitter recently, I replied to a missionary in Papua New Guinea that asked for prayer. I was amazed when literally seconds later, he tweeted a reply! To the best of memory, I’ve never met this friend, but I had an encouraging conversation with someone halfway around the world from the comfort of my Tennessee home! After our simple exchange, I was reminded that both of us need each other. He needs me to pray for his work in a foreign country, and I need him to pray for the ministry here at the Ranch. All of this was possible because we are both part of the family of God!

In a hostile world, it is wonderful to be in a family where God Almighty is the Father. There is fellowship along life’s way, even from people you do not know. The same was true for the Apostle Paul in the book of Acts. As he journeyed to make and encourage disciples, he was encouraged!

Do not think that you can go through life alone. You need the encouragement of other Christians. We live in a hostile world that is opposed to everything good and godly. However, there is a God in Heaven who is your Father, and He has many children that both can give and need encouragement. The best way to get the encouragement you are looking for is to be the encouragement you are looking for!

Somewhere in Papua New Guinea, there is an American missionary who was encouraged by my prayers. The next time I tweet about some need I have, I am going to guess there is a missionary who will surely pray for me. That is how it is supposed to work in the family of God!

“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves . . use hospitality one to another without grudging.” (I Peter 4:7-9)

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