I Timothy 5:24-25  “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.”

What Will Catch Up to You?

Can you imagine electing a president without ever watching a debate, knowing the issues, or considering about what he thinks or believes?  What if your church called a pastor without any regard to his beliefs, his doctrine, or his character?  That is a recipe for disaster!

On the other hand, what happens when you think you have done your homework on a person, but you find out that you missed something?  Here is something to remember: there is no escape.  People may miss details while deliberating, but God is never duped.  The Bible says, “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.”  Some people’s sins are so obvious that they precede and announce themselves.  Their reputation goes before them, and everybody knows what they are.  Other people’s sins are like cougars trailing their every step and waiting to pounce.  They go to bed every night with a smitten conscience.

In the same way, there are two types of good works: those that are “manifest” and those that are hidden (for now).  Some are obvious; some are hidden; but both will catch up to you!  It is impossible to hide evil works, and it is impossible to hide good works.  “Well, Brother Wil,” you are saying, “I’ve done good things and no one at my church even noticed!”  Your good works may be hidden to your pastor, your boss, and your neighbors, but they are not hidden to God!

God is not mocked.  A man will reap what he sows.  Some men’s sins are blatant and open, while other men’s sins are trailing them like a hungry animal.  Some men’s good works precede them, and “they that are otherwise cannot be hid.”  Nothing is hidden from God.  As one preacher put it, “There is a payday someday.”  So what is catching up to you today?

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