Titus 3:2 “To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.”

Do You ‘Like’ Me?

It is a fact of life that some people are easier to like than others. Have you found this to be true like I have? Some people are easy to like, while others are…well, more difficult to like. Showing kindness to the people we like is natural and requires no power; showing “all meekness unto all men,” as Titus 3:2 says, requires a power that you don’t have!

I have had to remind myself that I’m not so likeable either! The bottom line is, it is natural to like or dislike someone. On the other hand, it is supernatural to treat others the way God desires. You can only show others what God has shown you. He has shown you a gentleness and kindness that is totally undeserved and unmerited. Only God can do that!

Showing meekness is not showing weakness. Weakness is weakness. A light touch when you are strong is meekness. It requires more power to restrain what you have than it does to exercise what you have. Showing “all meekness unto all men” requires all power which you can have by living in the gentleness of God (verse 4).

Has God been gentle with you? Then you should show that to others. Has God forgiven you? Then you should forgive others. God wants you to “transmit” the power that He has. Take what God has shown you and show it to others. Showing all meekness to all men won’t come naturally, but that is precisely the point.

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