Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

God’s Son in God’s Word

To Whom does Isaiah 7:14 refer? Certainly, the ultimate fulfillment of this verse is found in a child, God Incarnate, who is literally “God with us.” The Lord gave a sign to those in Isaiah’s day-specifically King Ahaz-that God was made flesh. Christ was the literal, physical fulfillment of God’s written promise!

Like the people in Isaiah 7, can I encourage you to see God’s Son in God’s Word? The truth is, if you do not see His Son in His Word, you are not likely to see Him in your day either. How do you see God’s Son? First, you see Him by observation. It is always good to think as you read the Bible. Have you ever found yourself thinking, after reading a passage, “Now what did that say?” My mind wanders easily! Pay attention to what the Bible says, and see Christ in the Bible by observation.

Second, you see God’s Son in God’s Word by inspiration. That is, God’s Son and God’s Word rise and fall together. Matthew 1:21-23 quotes God’s promise in Isaiah 7:14. Matthew wasn’t giving his thoughts on what God might have meant; He gave exactly what God meant because God inspired both Isaiah and Matthew! You can’t discount the Virgin Birth but embrace “God with us.”

Jesus Christ is God’s Incarnate Word. The Bible is God’s written Word. God’s Book is truly about God’s Son. If you will look for Christ in the Bible, you will find Christ in your life. The same Christ present at Creation and present one day at Armageddon is the same Christ mentioned in Isaiah 7:14, and you can take God at His word on that.

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