Hebrews 9:12 “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”

Contingency Plans

Do you know who Felix Baumgartner is? After this year, you probably do! Felix jumped from a balloon-powered capsule near the edge of space and, in the process, became the first skydiver to break the sound barrier. Do you think he had any back-up plans once he jumped? He had a parachute (probably a reserve chute or two), but if his plans did not work, he would have had a very long time to think about it on his way to terra firma.

I can’t imagine jumping from the tree in my front yard, much less from the stratosphere! You probably would never dream of a jump like Felix accomplished, but do you have back-up plans or contingency plans for everything? In most cases, it is probably a good thing to know what your alternative course of action will be. We are so prone to having a back-up, a “Plan B,” and a contingency plan in life. If we are not careful, we will lose the power and grace of looking to the Lord Jesus.

When it comes to salvation and your Christian life, there is no back-up; it is Jesus or nothing. Christ offered “his own blood,” and He did this “once . . . having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Jesus is enough. Jesus is sufficient. Do you live that way each day?

I am not all-powerful, but Christ is. I am not eternal, but Christ is. If He is sufficient to save your soul, don’t you think He is sufficient to meet your needs? Saving and planning are not wrong, but are you primarily depending on contingencies or on the Lord? Don’t be so wrapped up in back-up plans that you fail to be obedient. Be clear on what God wants from you, and be resolved to do what He wants. Jesus Christ is sufficient for your eternity, and He is sufficient for today!

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