I John 3:16 “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

What Are You Revealing?

What are you trying to hide? Some of us try to hide our age and wrinkles. Others of us try to hide our accent, no matter if we are a “Yankee” or a Southerner. All of us try to hide our faults.

I John reminds us that sin reveals the true nature of a sinner, but sin conceals the true nature of a saint. The new nature that God has made in me by His Spirit does not and cannot sin. There is a battle between what I was and what I am.

Love reveals God; hatred reveals the world. Just like God loves the world although it hates Him, I should love people although they do not appreciate me. If they are revealing their true nature, I ought to be revealing mine as God’s child!

If God is going to be revealed in someone’s actions or words today, it is going to be mine. Don’t just love in word; love “in deed and in truth.” (I John 3:18) Your life should manifest Christ, especially in your love for others. Loving others means doing what is right by them. That is impossible for you to do, but it is possible for the Spirit of God. Are you revealing Christ or concealing Him?

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