Revelation 2:23b “…And all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”

Looking Ahead and Within

You don’t know the future, and neither do I. However, it is remarkable that God does! What is just as remarkable is not just that God knows your future, but God knows your heart. In the book of Revelation, before God gives us a look ahead at our future, He takes a look within at our hearts. That is a good place for us to begin, too.

Only God can know the future, and only God can discern my heart. Have you ever tried to discern someone’s heart? It is fruitless and can be discouraging. The truth is, we cannot know someone’s heart because we do not know our own hearts. The God that holds the future is the God Who can guide the heart!

God knows what is happening in our country, in our town, and in our home. Even more than that, He knows what is happening in our hearts. Your choices today will not be good versus evil; your choices will be what you want versus what you should. Every time you choose what you want over what you should, you have “left” your “first love” like the church at Ephesus (verse 4).

Your life hinges more on the decisions you make than the decisions an official, a governor, or a president makes. God knows the future, and God knows you. Where is your heart this morning? The early church had God’s power in a mighty way in spite of a hostile political climate. That is the power we need in our own heart, our families, our churches, and our country. God can see your heart, and He can guide your future.

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