Genesis 12:10 “And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.”

What’s Your Price?

If you could either owe someone who didn’t know or care about you or someone who knew you, loved you, and cared about you, which one would you choose? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? It may be obvious, but the decision is not always easy in life.

Abram needed Egypt, went to Egypt, borrowed from Egypt, and owed Egypt. It’s never a good idea to owe someone of low character like Pharaoh! Abram put himself in a position where he anticipated needing to lie to preserve his life at the risk of his marriage. He must have been one hungry man to put himself in that position!

We, too, often find a great need in our lives and look to the wrong people for the answer. When we do this, we are indebted to the wrong person, just like Abram. How much do you care about having the favor of people who don’t care about having the favor of God? What is your price? What is your life worth?

Your actions will match the character of the person you are trying to please. Who do you owe? Who are your trying to please? What is most important to you? God could’ve taken care of Abram’s need without jeopardizing his marriage and family. You can trust God with your life, your family, and your marriage, too. What is your integrity worth?

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