Exodus 36:1 “Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man, in whom the LORD put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, according to all that the LORD had commanded.”

Just Do It

When you do what you should do for the day, you will have what you need for the day. God’s plan is much bigger than your capacity to know it! God is a God of detail, and He knows the “big picture.”

I am sure that Bezaleel did not know every detail of the work God had for him. Exodus 36:1-2 says of him, “Then wrought Bezaleel . . . the work to do it.” There came a time to get the work done! They needed to “just do it.”

God’s plan is far bigger than your part, but it includes your part. You may not know exactly how your part fits in to His plan, but that does not make your part unimportant. Someone had to give the goats’ hair in order that someone else could make curtains with it. When we are listening to and following God, there is confidence in the plan and provision God has!

I don’t know what your part is in God’s plan, but I do know that if you do what you should, you will have what you need. When you take the step you should take now, God will reveal the step you should take tomorrow. The Master has a master plan, and your partnership in His plan is important. Most of your questions are probably about details, but when God has clearly given you a part—in the words of a famous shoe maker—just do it!

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