Leviticus 22:32 “Neither shall ye profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel: I am the LORD which hallow you.”

What’s a Name Worth?

What is a name worth? Well, it depends on whose name it is, but I can tell you that many people have become wealthy by having the right signature on the right line! Some signatures are even more valuable years after the person is dead if he or she has some historical significance.

A name is not valued by its monetary gains alone. Money can actually be the poorest measurements of a name! The truth is, some names are important because of their integrity and authority. With the right name on a particular document, you can have credibility and authority you would not have otherwise.

No name is worthy of more honor than the name of God Almighty. Live today in such a way that a holy God could sign His name to it. The Bible tells us to “do all to the glory of God.” Would God be able to sign His name, to give authority and power, to your actions?

The name of God (LORD) tells us that He is the eternally existent One. He is the Creator. Pause and take time today to consider if the high, holy, Self-existent God could sign His name to your actions. Profaning God’s name doesn’t just include cursing or swearing; profaning God’s name means to treat His name flippantly or tritely. You can profane His name by your words and your actions!

The way to properly consider His name is to follow His Word. Psalm 138:2 tells us that God “hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” What an amazing thing! There is no manifestation of God’s essence more magnified than God’s Word. What He has said reveals Who He is.

How will you live today? Will you live dictated by the urgent? By the whims of others? By your own passions? Or will you live a life today that God would be pleased to sign His name to?

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