Numbers 17:5 “And it shall come to pass, that the man’s rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby the murmur against you.”

Is It Wrong to Want?

Korah was discontent with who God had made him and what God had given him. Korah expressed his rebellion to God by showing discontentment to Moses and Aaron. The truth is, you will always be discontent if you look at other people instead of focusing on what God has given you. Whenever you look at someone else and make comparisons, you are hiking down a trail that never ends well! You will either end up proud or jealous, but neither one is good.

Do not look at another person as the standard of God’s will for you. You can’t do any better than accepting what God has given you and who He has made you to be. So then, is it wrong to want? The answer is, No! You wouldn’t be alive right now if it wasn’t for wanting. It is not wrong to have ambitions, but it is wrong if your wanting is pitted against God’s way.

Murmuring and grumbling are essentially expressing your will against God’s way. There will always be someone who has more than you do and someone who has less than you do. But there will never be anyone who has what God has perfectly given you!

What should you do when you don’t know if what you want is right? Ask God about it! It’s much better to ask for what you want than to complain about what you don’t have. Contentment is accepting God’s will and way; murmuring is pitting my want against God’s will. It is not wrong to want, but make sure you submit what you want to God’s will.

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