Numbers 20:10 “And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?”

Dismissing God

Imagine attending a birthday party thrown in your honor, but when you (as the guest of honor) arrive, you find the reception somewhat cold and indifferent. Everyone is excited and talking to each other, but no one talks to you. Everyone brings presents, but they are giving them to each other, not to you. Wait a minute! You are the reason for the party, but you are dismissed and ignored in the corner. That would be bizarre, wouldn’t it?

This type of scenario is exactly what played out in Numbers chapter 20. A bunch of rebels complained about the lack of water, and a rebel struck the rock in anger and rebellion. The One who gave water in the first place was disregarded by both!

When you fuss with authorities in your life, you complain against God. That is a dangerous thing to do! On the other hand, when you as an authority respond in rebellion, you have done the very same thing. Doing God’s work in your own fleshly passions is rebellion.

Both Moses (the rebel) and the children of Israel (the rebels) missed God in this entire account. You accuse God by complaining, but you dismiss God by responding to people without regard for Him. Be careful that in your day you don’t go after wrong by doing wrong. Don’t go after rebellion by being a rebel. Don’t dismiss God in your actions or your reactions!

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