Deuteronomy 4:6 “Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”

How Much Do You Know?

Have you ever known someone who had a lot of knowledge but not a lick of sense? The two are not mutually exclusive, but it can be discouraging when someone can quote all kinds of books and articles but never takes action.

We are living in a day of unparalleled knowledge, most of which is void of any application. As a society, we have mastered the trivial. We know the slightest facts about things and places that are miles away. In short, we seem to know more than we’ve ever known before, but we have less capacity to apply it to our lives than ever before!

We have had the Bible for longer than ever before, and we have studied It more than ever before. We have more time, more tools, and more minds that have been applied toward the Word of God than ever before. Yet I am not sure there has ever been a time when there has been less action taken on what the Bible says than there is today. The church of God needs men and women to not just know the truth but to do it. We need people who not just study the language but who live it. We need people who not just defend the Bible but who use It.

The best way to defend a sword is to start waving it. God’s Word is good just as it is; don’t add to it or take away from it. Knowledge takes learning; wisdom takes action.

How much do you know? If you are like me, you are often discouraged by how little you know. God is not only concerned about what I know but also what I do. The more I know, the more I am accountable to do. The more that I learn, the more action that I should take. Don’t spend all of your time reading and spouting off what you know; take action on what you know today!

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